
search results for: salesforce lightning experience

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What Does Salesforce Lightning Experience Mean to Me?

…When Salesforce fully releases Lightning Experience, will all of my pre-Lightning Experience configuration changes still work? Yes, rest assured that when Lightning Experience is fully released, nothing will break –…

TrailheaDx – Lightning, Lightning & Lightning

Happening now! TrailheaDx: The First Salesforce Developer Conference. What buzzwords are flying around at the event? Lightning, more Lightning & Trailhead. Marc Benioff kicked off the conference with his charismatic keynote…

Lessons Learned From My First Lightning Component

…Apex 3. Uncaught Error: Bootstrap’s JavaScript requires jQuery 4. Cannot Read Property ‘childNodes’ of Null 5. Problems Using component.find in Object-Oriented Lightning Components 6. JSON&aura.formatAdapter=LIGHTNING_OUT Failed to load resource: 1….

Button, Button, Who’s Got The Button?

…appear in Lightning Experience list views. In Salesforce Classic, mass action buttons almost always use JavaScript, and Lightning Experience doesn’t support JavaScript in custom buttons. What can you do about…

Overriding the Opportunity Contact Role in Salesforce Lightning

…attribute=”actions”> <lightning:button label=”Manage Contact Roles” class=”slds-m-vertical–small” onclick=”{!c.manageRoles}”/> </aura:set> <lightning:layout multipleRows=”true”> <aura:iteration items=”{!v.ocrs}” var=”ocr”> <lightning:layoutitem size=”6″> <lightning:card iconName=”standard:contact” class=”slds-m-right–small”> <aura:set attribute=”title”> <a href=”{!’/lightning/r/’ + ocr.Contact.Id + ‘/view’}”>{!ocr.Contact.Name}</a> <aura:if isTrue=”{!ocr.IsPrimary}”> <span class=”slds-m-around–medium”>

Improve User Adoption with Lightning Home Pages

…is the largest hurdle to overcome when adopting Salesforce Lightning but once done, productivity will increase. Salesforce Lightning offers a range of functionality and advantages that classic does not.  Ways…

Lightning Design System Tricks and Tips

…stone for transitioning from classic Salesforce to Salesforce Lighting Experience. In Visual Force, the use of apex tags makes the work of conditionally rendering and formatting content simpler but we…